Chiropractors can help with pinched nerves in the neck

Posted in Neck Disorders on Nov 7, 2017

Chiropractors can help with pinched nerves in the neck.

The wrenching pain and the sting of every neck turn can beruthless.  Sometimes these cervical radiculopathies
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occur when you wake up in the morning,or after a workout, or it could occur when you pick that featheroff the countertop. The most common mechanism of this type ofinjury is called Subluxation

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When you get a joint locked out it's the normal range of motionand it puts undue pressure on the nerve, paralyzing your everymove.

This is where it gets interesting … when we look closer at thenerves coming from the neck they all connect back to the top twoneck bones into the brain stem

So, sure you could rub, use needles, heat, freeze, or even pinchthe muscles to feel better, but, you would still have the sameproblem…. a pinched nerve.  Left unattended the same if notsimilar issues would arise; more often and in many cases withgreater intensity.

Upper Cervical, otherwise known as upper neck, Chiropracticworks with the natural curves in your joints and spine to elegantlyremove unwanted pressures in the neck.  These specialchiropractors have spent extra time learning how to create atailored correction to the neck to remove such issues without hugeforces being applied to the neck.  In most cases, the actualadjustment is rarely felt by the client/patient during thecorrection.

This way the healing effects of this gentle correction canoccur.  You not only feel better but by restoring the healthof the nerve you now have the added bonus of healing one stepcloser to the way, creation intended you to.

Want to know more?

The reality is that most of the time pain in the neck caused by a“pinched nerve” is actually not caused by a “pinched” nerve. Usually, this type of injury is caused by a small rip or tear inthe tissue connected to a nerve, like a muscle or a tendon. Theinjured tissue then sends a signal to the brain through itsattached nerve from which the brain interprets the signal aspain.  The brain then relays signals back through the systemto immobilize and restrict motion to the area to prevent furtherinjury.

Many times, the tissue is just fine and there is no need for allthe alarms.  BUT THE SIGNAL is being interpreted incorrectlyeither by the brain or the tissue.  How? Well, your nervoussystem is being blocked by that something we call aSUBLUXATION.

Subluxation redirects decrease, and even manipulates signals toand from the brain along the nerves.  Chances are you have hada subluxation this whole time, but now that the injury has occurredthe signals to and from the injured tissue does not heal or respondlike it would if proper nerve function was not being blocked.

How long does cervical radiculopathylast?

The pain of a “pinched nerve” can last around ten days.  But,the actual healing of the tissues involved usually takes longer;anywhere from four weeks, up to eight months depending on the typeof tissue. The solution is still the same, a tailored, elegantcorrective adjustment by a Blair Upper Cervical Chiropractor.

The chiropractor can deliver this restorative correction to notonly aid in the proper signaling of the nerves between brain andtissue, but also in the proper healing of the tissues connected tothose nerves.  Further maintenance is recommended to continueto keep proper joint function continuous and reduce futureinsidious subluxations.

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