Trigeminal Neuralgia Recovery

Posted in Head Disorder on Jul 14, 2021

Anyone who has suffered from or watched someone suffer fromtrigeminal neuralgia knows just how devastating the syndrome is.many people who suffer go to extremes in finding relief. I recall apatient years ago who had half of the teeth in her mouthremoved.

Shewas seeking an answer to the horrendous pain she was experiencingdaily. The dentist told her the teeth were the culprit. AS many TNpatients experience excruciating pain in their teeth. After theremoval of over 12 teeth, the pain stillpersisted. 

They then told her that her pain was from a bone infection. Overthe next month, they proceeded to scrape away the jay bone to thepoint that today she has to wear a prosthetic to keep her face fromlooking like a stroke patient. This should make it clear how badlythese patients suffer. And show what they are willing to go throughto find a cure. There is a reason they call TN the suicidedisease.

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Our office publishes these blogs to give people hope. WhileUpper Cervical Care is NOT a cure-all it has been successful atgiving TN sufferers relief when all other methods of treatment havefailed. Below you will find a video of a man who suffered from TNfor over 16 years.

He underwent Upper Cervical Care and since seeking the care hashad a recovery from his TN prison. We have found that patients thatsuffer from TN and have undergone other forms of treatment withoutsuccess, often respond beautifully to Upper Cervical Care.

Over the years our office has taken care of over 30 cases of TN.A large majority of those patients are now living life again.

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Oct 21, 2022

Trauma Can Cause Chronic Nervous System Problems

Many of us throughout life have traumas that can displace thetop bone in the neck from its normal position relative to the head.When this happens there is a cascade of neurological consequencesthat follow. Interference at the brainstem level causes the spinalmuscles to become tight.

When muscles become tight the normal neck curve (lordosis)straightens. This straightening of the neck curve puts tensilestress on the spinal cord and can distort the nerve tissue andcompromise normal function. Nerve nuclei in the brainstem areresponsible for controlling the Trigeminal nerve. This nucleus canbecome compromised from a straight neck and a misaligned atlas.

How Does Upper An Upper Cervical Correction Relieve TNSymptoms?

Upper Cervical Doctors correct spinal misalignments in the upperneck. When corrected several things start to occur in the body.Muscles in the neck and spine start to relax. Abnormal spinalcurves start to return to a more normal structure. 

These changes can alter the irritation on the trigeminal nerveenough to alleviate the TN attacks. The patient in the testimonybelow is an example of how Upper Cervical Care can help TNsufferers. 

We are used to taking care of patients that have been everywhereand almost lost hope that they will ever recover. We offer a freeconsultation in our offices to see if you can be helped.

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