What Are the Causes of Fibromyalgia?

Posted in Head Disorders on Mar 1, 2018

Fibromyalgia (FM) is a condition surrounded by much controversy in what establishes a diagnosis, what would be the consistent historic features, and most of all, what can be done about it -- the therapy plans. Doctors look polarized, they "believe in it" or they do not. The result is a frustrated individual because, after several attempts, they can not get a straight answer from their health care provider regarding what is causing their symptoms and what could be done about it.

As a result, the patient does not know where to turn. A crucial article, published in September 2011, discusses the experience of living with this condition from the patient's standpoint.

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The research consisted of six female patients diagnosed in a university hospital with Fibromyalgia, which incidentally, means the rest of the conditions that produce similar symptoms have already been considered and/or "ruled out." As a backdrop, the authors explain Fibromyalgia as "...a chronic syndrome with no cure."

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As a result of this, they say, "...a thorough comprehension of the illness experience is therefore key in the palliative care of patients..." They admit that caregivers of FM patients frequently include chiropractors and other manual therapists and understanding of the "...meaning and reality of living with this condition" is reported as being ESSENTIAL for all healthcare providers that handle Fibromyalgia patients.

The focus of this study was to carefully examine the personal, occupational, and social effects of the condition on patients' lives and their perspectives about the future. Structured interviews with each participant were examined.

The results demonstrated that Fibromyalgia affects all aspects of life with motif main themes arising from the information: 1. Personal life impact; two. Occupational life impact; 3. The forecasted effect on future life; 4. Social interaction impact. Specifically, the majority of the participants had stopped working and felt unworthy.

Leisure activities were greatly affected, as many explained opting not to take part in various leisure-oriented activities (for example, going for walks, shopping, or attending social events). In some instances, Fibromyalgia strengthened familial bonds and in other circumstances, it ruined families. Fibromyalgia patients were reported to be "relieved" when a diagnosis was "finally" made, as it marked an end to a period of doubt.

The participants were often ambivalent to interaction and despite several positive factors, frustration prevailed from "sensed incomprehension" or not really understanding why they feel the way they do. Occasionally, this made it tough to talk about their symptoms and individual experiences. This study shows the negative effect of FM and how complicated and personal it is for every single individual.

What's important about this study is that it alerts those people who treat Fibromyalgia. We want a more efficient diagnostic procedure and we will need to be educated so that we could offer a multifaceted treatment alternative approach as every Fibromyalgia individual's needs differ because of how each individual "deals with" the condition.

We will need to actually listen to the individual to ascertain what treatment goals they're interested in and we have to create treatment plans that center around those needs and needs, possibly including checklists so everyone stays on task since it is rather easy to become distracted by the symptoms of Fibromyalgia. 

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