Health Conditions

Chiropractic Healing: It’s a Journey, Not a Moment

Posted in Health Conditions
Date: Oct 1, 2021
How do you know that chiropractic adjustments work? When can you say “I am healed”? Is it after the fourth or fifth session with your chiropractor? Many patients lose faith in chiropractic because they do not “see the results”. This is understandable. So far, they have been used to taking a ...
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Our Chiropractors’ Back to School Advice

Posted in Health Conditions
Date: Sep 16, 2021
Fall is here and this means that millions of children are going back to school. This is an emotional moment for parents who send their kids to school for the first time. For children, it is the excitement of meeting their friends again on daily basis. But chiropractors see another, ...
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Chiropractic for Hiatal Hernia – a Non-Invasive Treatment Option

Posted in Health Conditions
Date: Aug 7, 2021
Do you feel discomfort when you breathe and persistent heartburn, even after changing your diet? That is most probably a hiatal hernia. Left untreated, it may lead to complications, such as chronic digestive problems. However, the only treatment allopathic medicine has for you is surgery. If you are not keen on undergoing this invasive procedure, ...
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How We are Preventing Bacterial Infections

Posted in Health Conditions
Date: Jul 26, 2021
Understanding what disease really isI am finding, in our offices and in daily conversation, more and more that people don't have a firm grasp on what illness and disease really is. This is not anyone person's fault. The public's understanding is subject to what they are told by the 'authorities' ...
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Chiropractic treatment for Allergies and Asthma

Posted in Health Conditions
Date: Jul 4, 2021
Allergies and asthma Are conditions closely related which affect many people around the world? The American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology statistics say that approximately 40 and 50% of school children around the world have sensitization to one or more common allergens. Asthma is also very common, this academy statistics also ...
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