Health Conditions

Make the Transition Smoothly with Chiropractic Care for Menopause

Posted in Health Conditions
Date: Feb 4, 2022
Menopause is a natural process in any woman’s life. As the fertile period ends, the production of estrogen and progesterone hormones decreases significantly. During this transition period, most women experience unpleasant side effects and symptoms. In this article, we will discuss the benefits of chiropractic care for menopause.What Happens to ...
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Chiropractic Care for Golfer’s Elbow

Date: Dec 10, 2021
Golfer’s elbow is a misleading name for this painful condition. You don’t have to be a golfer to experience pain and a reduced range of motions in your elbow. In reality, the inflammation of the muscles and ligaments in the elbow can be caused by everyday activities. In this article, ...
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How Chiropractic Helps with Compartment Syndrome

Posted in Health Conditions
Date: Oct 8, 2021
Many professional athletes suffer from compartment syndrome from time to time. This is a condition affecting a group of muscles in the leg (called a compartment), caused by excessive muscle pressure. However, even regular people can suffer from this condition after a major trauma such as a broken leg or a car accident. Chiropractors warn ...
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